Healthcare Salary, Phlebotomy Technician

Several Factors Contribute to a Higher Healthcare Salary

Healthcare salaries vary from job to job, and if you’re studying to become a phlebotomy technician, you may be wondering how to increase your pay. Many factors can contribute to a higher healthcare salary (geographic location, education, experience), but there are other, smaller ways in which you can make a big impact. Have you ever thought about how to become a professional asset within your workplace? By making your reliability stand out, you can set yourself up for success.

Here are a few factors that can help you make a positive impression, reminding your boss why you deserve a little extra money in the bank.

Be on Time
As a phlebotomy technician, you will go through extensive healthcare career training, and you will receive a lot of advice. One of the most important things to remember, although it may not be implemented during your training, is this: Be on time. Medical labs are notorious for their long waits, and you don’t want to add to that by arriving to work late. Set your alarm, watch the clock, and remember that arriving to work early will always work in your favor. It may even boost your healthcare salary.

Dress Appropriately
While some offices may encourage employees to wear jeans or more casual clothing, medical facilities normally don’t abide by that standard. It’s important that you follow the rules outlined to you at the beginning of your job, as some of the guidelines may be implemented by the ever-stringent health code. By dressing appropriately for your workplace, you can ensure that you’ll never be pulled aside for a warning regarding your attire.

Work Cooperatively
The work world is full of different personalities and temperaments, but that does not give you the excuse to treat others poorly. Be sure to work cooperatively with your colleagues. Respect and kindness make a great impression!

Be Proactive
To stand out in the eyes of your employer, you need to be proactive throughout the week. If you run out of work, seek out additional responsibilities, ask your boss what you can do to succeed, and always demonstrate your commitment an excellent work ethic.

By implementing these key components into your future work, you can be sure that you stand out on the team, which, in turn, can help bump your name up on the pay raise list!

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